Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tofu "Scampi" with Spinach

This recipe is from the cookbook Quick-Fix Vegan by Robin Robertson.

Recipe: see page 44 of Quick-Fix Vegan.
I'll tell you how much I like this recipe. I made it for lunch yesterday and right after I finished I wondered if it would be weird to make it again for dinner. So I didn't. I woke up this morning and wondered if it would be weird to make it for breakfast. So I didn't. But I did make it for lunch again. It is really good.

I'm not much of a fan of tofu, but this does it right. The outside has a crispy shell that is made from the cornstarch and spices, and the inside is soft and chewy. And then you have the creamy chewiness of the spinach and the tangy zest of the lemon juice and white wine. Dulse flakes are one of the ingredients. Dulse is a type of seaweed. That gives this dish a 'taste of the ocean'. Really outstanding. I wonder if it would be weird to make it for dinner tonight.

Ingredients: extra firm tofu, fresh baby spinach, olive oil, garlic, dried basil, dried oregano, dry white wine, fresh lemon juice, cornstarch, dulse, black pepper.